D1050T/D1050TQ Automatic stamping die cutting machine

       D1050T automatic hot stamping die cutting machine is mainly used in printing and packaging industry in cardboard boxes, cartons, trademark die-cutting, bronzing, indentation and semi concave and convex, especially all kinds of advanced fine print, such as cigarette case, wine box, gift boxes, small home appliance box, cosmetic box and so on, all can be in this machine for ordinary bronzing and concave-convex indentation,  To obtain three-dimensional, exquisite and beautiful printing products.

      D1050TQ Automatic bronzing machine waste cleaning (dual-use) flat press flat die cutting machine, the machine in the original 1050T model added waste cleaning function, so that the machine can be used in one machine.  

TEL:13868410999 | ADD:Lishui city, zhejiang province economic development zone Ming road 797 | FAX:0086-2708888 
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